Daniel Schmutzhard has not only acquired an extensive repertoire in opera and concert in recent years, he has also made a name for himself through his outstanding performances - such as. as Corpo in the Robert Carsen-staged Rappresentatione di Anima et di Corpo at the Theater an der Wien, as Alberich in his enthusiastically acclaimed role debut in the concertante Rheingold under Kent Nagano in Cologne and Amsterdam, or as the charismatic Schwanda in the new production Schwanda, der Dudelsackpfeifer in Berlin - he has emphatically positioned himself and recommended himself as one of the most interesting representatives of his field. For the 2022/23 season, the Volksoper Wien has secured the artist's extensive presence, presenting him as Robert in Jolanthe (De Beer/Meir Wellber), Eisenstein (Fledermaus), Danilo (Merry Widow) and Papageno (Magic Flute), among others, as well as Herr Fluth in the new production of The Merry Wives of Windsor. Concert appearances include a gala tour with Annette Dasch in France with the Orchestre National de Lille under Stefan Blunier and Beethoven's Symphony No. 9 with the Orchestre de la Suisse Romande under Jonathan Nott.
Daniel Schmutzhard hat sich in den letzten Jahren nicht nur ein umfangreiches Repertoire im Opern- und Konzertbereich erarbeitet, er hat sich auch durch seine herausragenden Leistungen - wie z.B. als Corpo in der von Robert Carsen inszenierten Rappresentatione di Anima et di Corpo am Theater an der Wien, als Alberich in seinem enthusiastisch gefeierten Rollendebüt im konzertanten Rheingold unter Kent Nagano in Köln und Amsterdam oder als charismatischer Schwanda in der Neuproduktion Schwanda, der Dudelsackpfeifer in Berlin - nachdrücklich positioniert und als einer der interessantesten Vertreter seines Fachs empfohlen.Für die Saison 2022/23 hat sich die Volksoper Wien die umfangreiche Präsenz des Künstlers gesichert und präsentiert ihn u.a. als Robert in Jolanthe (De Beer/Meir Wellber), Eisenstein (Fledermaus), Danilo (Lustige Witwe) und Papageno (Zauberflöte) sowie als Herr Fluth in der Neuproduktion der Lustigen Weiber von Windsor. Konzertant ist er u.a. mit dem Orchestre National de Lille unter Stefan Blunier bei einer Gala-Tournee mit Annette Dasch in Frankreich sowie mit dem Orchestre de la Suisse Romande unter Jonathan Nott in Beethovens Symphonie Nr. 9 zu hören.

The new season brings several exciting house and role debuts for Daniel, starting with Gunther in Andreas Homokis new Götterdämmerung at the Opera Zurich alongside a superb cast including Camilla Nylund and Klaus Florian Vogt, followed by Die Fledermaus and Die tote Stadt at the Staatsoper Hamburg and Die ersten Menschen in Bilbao. At the Volksoper Wien Daniel will interpretate roles as Danilo in a new production of Die Lustige Witwe, Marcello, Peter Besenbinder, Papageno and Eisenstein. On top of that you can hear him in a Liederabend at the Albert Hall in Vienna and also the Konzerthaus Wien singing Carmina Burana with the RSO Wien. All the dates you can already find in the calendar!
Daniel is singing again Alberich in Wagners Rheingold, touring venues are Köln, Ravello and Luzern. Kent Nagano is conducting, Concerto Köln and Dresdner Festspielorchester playing. This historically informed interpretation will also be recorded in a high-quality studio production. Stay tuned!
Daniel will sing the baritone part in Beethovens 9th Symphony with the Orchestre de la Suisse Romande and Zürcher Sing-Akademie, conducted by Jonathan Nott on april 19th and 20th at the Victoria Hall in Geneva and April 21st at the Rosey Concert Hall in Rolle.

Robert Carsens beautiful Production of Cavalieris “Rappresentatione di anima et di corpo”, recorded at the Theater an der Wien is now available on DVD with Daniel singing Corpo

Daniel is singing Gustav Mahlers „Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen“, Wolfgang Dörner is conducting the Orchestre Pasdeloup!

Under the musical direction of Ton Koopman, Daniel sings the bass part in Bachs St. John’ s Passion on April 2nd in the basilica in Laren (NL) and on April 7th in the Isarphilharmonie in Munich.
Mythos Operette von Moritz Eggert
Lotte de Beer - Regie
Steven Sloane - Dirigent
Johann Sebastian Bach
Johannes-Passion BWV 245
Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra and Choir
Ton Koopman - conductor
Hana Blazikova - soprano
Franziska Gottwald - alto
Tilman Lichdi - tenor
Daniel Schmutzhard - basso
Mythos Operette von Moritz Eggert
Lotte de Beer - Regie
Steven Sloane - Dirigent
Johann Sebastian Bach
Johannes-Passion BWV 245
Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra and Choir
Ton Koopman - conductor
Hana Blazikova - soprano
Franziska Gottwald - alto
Tilman Lichdi - tenor
Daniel Schmutzhard - basso
Mythos Operette von Moritz Eggert
Lotte de Beer - Regie
Steven Sloane - Dirigent
Mythos Operette von Moritz Eggert
Lotte de Beer - Regie
Steven Sloane - Dirigent
Ludwig van Beethoven
Jonathan Nott - conductor
Orchestre de la Suisse Romande
Zürcher Sing-Akademie
Ludwig van Beethoven
Jonathan Nott - conductor
Orchestre de la Suisse Romande
Zürcher Sing-Akademie
Ludwig van Beethoven
Jonathan Nott - conductor
Orchestre de la Suisse Romande
Zürcher Sing-Akademie
Richard Wagner
Kent Nagano - Conductor
Musiker*innen des Dresdner Festspielorchesters und von Concerto Köln
Daniel is singing the role of Gunther
- Premiere -
Conductor - Gianandrea Noseda
Director - Andreas Homoki
Daniel is singing the role of Gunther
Conductor - Gianandrea Noseda
Director - Andreas Homoki
Daniel is singing the role of Gunther
Conductor - Gianandrea Noseda
Director - Andreas Homoki
Daniel is singing the role of Gunther
Conductor - Gianandrea Noseda
Director - Andreas Homoki
Daniel is singing the role of Gunther
Conductor - Gianandrea Noseda
Director - Andreas Homoki
Daniel is singing the role of Gunther
Conductor - Gianandrea Noseda
Director - Andreas Homoki
- Premiere -
Regie Mariame Clément
Dirigent Omer Meir Wellber
Nuno Coelho, director
Serena Saenz, soprano
Daniel Schmutzhard, barítono
Orquesta Sinfónica del principado de Asturias
Coro de la Fundación Princesa de Asturias Coro Participativo
Nuno Coelho, director
Serena Saenz, soprano
Daniel Schmutzhard, barítono
Orquesta Sinfónica del principado de Asturias
Coro de la Fundación Princesa de Asturias Coro Participativo
Opera by Rudi Stephan
Daniel is singing the role of Kaji.
Roberto Treviño - conductor
Calixto Bieito - director
Opera by Rudi Stephan
Daniel is singing the role of Kaji.
Roberto Treviño - conductor
Calixto Bieito - director
Daniel sings the double role of Frank and Fritz.
Yoel Gamzou - conductor
Daniel sings the double role of Frank and Fritz.
Yoel Gamzou - conductor
Daniel is singing the role of Gunther
Conductor - Gianandrea Noseda
Director - Andreas Homoki
Daniel is singing the role of Gunther
Conductor - Gianandrea Noseda
Director - Andreas Homoki
Daniel sings the double role of Frank and Fritz.
Yoel Gamzou - conductor
Daniel sings the double role of Frank and Fritz.
Yoel Gamzou - conductor
Carl Orff
Tobias Wögerer - conductor
ORF Radio-Symphonieorchester Wien
Wiener Singakademie